Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Decisions, decisions.

I am generally bad at making decisions. Right now, I have two fairly major decisions to make. Both involve travel, and both really needed to happen, let's say, yesterday. As much as I hate making big decisions, I hate being put on the spot for big decisions even more. With each passing day, each passing moment it feels like, the consequences (financial and otherwise) of *not* making the decisions become greater. Regardless of what I decide, I need to make plans accordingly, but I just can't decide yet. I don't have enough information. In one case, I don't know that I'll ever have any more information (other than an extra opinion, I suppose) and in the other, I may have more information but by that point costs will have gone up. It's a trade-off.

The worst part is, these are both situations where the decisions -- and plans -- were already made. The changes are last-minute, and not within my control. The upshot is that I feel very trapped at the moment, and it is very quickly becoming a lose-lose situation. Gah.

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