Thursday, April 24, 2008

All Good Things Come to an End.

In the last few days, I've realized that along with this crazy semester (although admittedly not quite as crazy as last year) a lot of things will be coming to an end soon. I always seem to forget that even when things are really nice and coming together, it tends to be short-lived. Maybe that's the pessimist in me talking, but it just feels like a lot is ending right now. And really, only a couple of new things are beginning. Most of it just keeps going, and I'm not particularly excited about anything in that "it" category at the moment. Choir ends in two weeks. Two close friends are moving away (albeit to a different area of town, but when they both live so close now, it feels pretty far. And I know it won't be quite the same when they live across town rather than a block or two away). A few less close, but still important, people are moving away/dropping out of my life in various ways.

The one thing that doesn't seem to want to end is Winter. It's supposed to be 45 with a possibility of snow tomorrow (er, today I guess). On April 25. And it's been rainy and icky all day today. Let's just say this doesn't help matters any.

I'm trying to stay positive, and to remember that change doesn't have to be bad. And it doesn't mean that the parts I like about the way things are now have to disappear with the changes. But I never claimed to be good with change. So, add a lot of changes together and... well, there you have it. All good things come to an end.

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